· Salesforce Guide  · 3 min read

Sales Cloud Scoping Questionnaire

Ask your Sales Manager these questions when implementing Sales Cloud

Ask your Sales Manager these questions when implementing Sales Cloud

Provide this to your Sales Management prior to implementing Sales Cloud so you can document all requirements.

This questionnaire will help me understand the specific requirements for your Sales Cloud implementation. Your answers will guide the customization and configuration of the platform to best fit the sales team’s needs.

1. General Information

  • Your familiarity with Salesforce
  • Your Dream Day at Work Post-Implementation
  • Preferred Method of Communication:
  • Preferred Time for Bi-Weekly Check-in

2. Sales Process & Pipeline

a. Please describe your current sales process steps from lead acquisition to closed sale (e.g., Lead > Qualified > Proposal > Negotiation > Closed-Won).

b. Are there any specific stages or milestones within each step?

c. How do you currently track and measure sales progression?

3. Data Management

a. What data are you currently tracking about leads, accounts, contacts, and opportunities?

b. Are there any specific custom fields or data points you’d like to capture in Salesforce?

c. Do you have data in other systems that need to be migrated to Salesforce? If so, what data from what systems?

d. How often do you foresee needing data imports/exports from other systems?

4. Record Types and Page Layouts

a. Are there different types of sales processes within the team (e.g., product sales vs. service sales) that might need handling by sales reps?

b. Which fields and data points are crucial for the sales team to view/edit for Lead, Opportunity, Account, and Contact?

5. User Profiles, Roles, and Security

a. List Your Team Members + Roles.

b. Will different user groups (e.g., inside sales, field sales, sales managers) need different access levels or data visibility?

c. Are there specific records or fields that should be restricted or only visible to certain roles?

6. Reporting and Dashboards

a. What key performance indicators (KPIs) does the sales team track regularly?

b. What types of reports and dashboards would be helpful for daily, weekly, or monthly insights?

c. Do managers and executives require different dashboards from sales reps?

7. Collaboration and Communication

a. How does the sales team currently communicate about leads, accounts, or opportunities?

b. Are you planning for all team communication to take place in Salesforce (via Chatter), or will you be discussing leads with your team outside of Salesforce?

c. Are there specific templates or standardized communication methods (e.g., email templates) you’d like to implement within Salesforce? If so, please attach and send those.

8. Integration and Automation

a. Are there other systems or tools (e.g., marketing automation, ERP, financial software) that need to integrate with Salesforce?

b. Are there repetitive tasks that could benefit from automation within Salesforce (e.g., round-robin lead assignment, follow-up emails)?

c. Are there any contact forms, etc that need to route to your team? If so, which?

d. Are there any email addresses that need to route to your team? If so, which?

9. Training and Adoption

a. What is the general familiarity level of the sales team with Salesforce?

b. Would the team benefit from tailored training sessions?

c. How do you envision rolling out the new Salesforce setup to the team?

10. Ongoing Management and Support

a. Who will be the primary point of contact for ongoing Salesforce questions, updates, or changes?

b. How frequently do you anticipate needing updates or changes to the system after the initial implementation?

11. Additional Requirements and Notes

a. Are there any specific AppExchange apps or third-party tools you’re considering integrating with Salesforce?

b. Are there any other specific features or customizations you’d like to see in your Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation?

c. Please provide any additional information or requirements not covered in the above questions.

Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire thoroughly. The more detailed and specific your answers, the better we can tailor the Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation to your needs. Thank you!

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